Alles over buitenaardse ontmoetingen en samenzweringstheoriëen

some sites dissapeare but we do not remove the link because of "error 404" because these links could be archived by bookmarks on other computers (try "link:...." where .... is the URL of the dissapeared site)

The secret race to control  Iraq's Extraterrestrial Heritage

''Someone asked me to post this''

The Montauk Project

911 conspiracy: Who's the Enemy? Split second error  No suicide pilots

Scientists report 'alien' life

Most of the recent links are pointing to the study of Richard Hoagland. It would be easy to just say bookmark the website, but a few times stories appear on other places. And websites do dissappear!

Again the Vatican... (Mr Greer claims to be ''the first'' but Zecharia Sitchin was there a half year earlier...)

The Age Of Horus Dawns Times Square New Year's Eve Ball Drenched in Hyperdimensional Symbolism

Windows 'back door' security alert
NSA key to Windows
it comes down to an issue of trusting Microsoft''it comes down to an issue of trusting Microsoft''

Astronomers baffled over mysterious space light

Earth battered trough history by comets
Object filmed during eclips
Analysis of NASA video feed

"Inside Source" provides Details of "Impact Events"

Oh my god! They killed SOHO! Strange Pattern in Nasa activities December 7th "event" developments The 7th December issue... "Evil Weather" What's Up With HAARP Strange Radar Big Guns Are Still Firing in Texas Infosource Research
''Another strange coincidence''

Comet influence?

.9 Hertz Anomaly

The Kennedy NASA plan

The Art of Talking In Code 4555 Supernova 1987A New Bodies in Solar System

Are U.S. planes spraying chemicals? Contrail conspiracy Orbit

SETI at home

The Story Of Atlantis

more about the Helicopter glyphs

More Nasa theories Whitley Strieber Majestic 12 documents

Pictures of SETI Signals from unknown engineer in the UK Sci/Tech' Puzzle over alien 'discovery' Seti signals a hoax Australia confirm signals ''NSA'' logo on website with statement about possible ET signals copy of the original page

Hidden Meanings

Project Blue Book, Aliens and UFO Crashes (click on the 5/31/98 speaker-icon)

Nothing in this book is true... Our History (to order the book) The Home Page of David Icke Leading Edge Hypothetical Planets They are on the moon! Echelon Encyclopedia of Conspiracies The Secret Government Timetraveller or Joker 60 conspiracies of all times Art Bell working for CIA? Art Bell sells his show and Don't Jump to Conclusions about Tora-codes!


Ultimate Web Page List of Anomaly Hunters



Art Bell Quits!

French church asks exorcist (hoax)

Flying saucers mystify scientists


Illuminati News

Meet some prophets arguing at alt.prophecies.nostradamus alt.prophecies.cayce

Roswell space alien breaks its silence Roswell photo's enlarged 3x666=1998(dutch) Hero de Jong 50 year Roswell Roswell Ufocrash 1947, Grey autopsy Autopsy-film is a hoax

A Surgeon's View: Alien Autopsy's Overwhelming Lack of Credibility

U.F.O. seen over Almere City Nice ufo pictures Ufo pictures Alien warnings aliens on the moon and on mars don't get hit without it

Ans Hoornweg (our own abduction interview)

Meet some real aliens at alt.aliens.they-are-here


Stanton Friedman shows what you get when you asked for governemental information about UFO's. (Still from our report about the Millennium UFO Congres)


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